Welcome St. Xavier Alumnae Association Members to Your Web Site!
When we look forward to seeing all classes !!!
Maureen O'Gorman, Class of 1984
President 2019-2021
In August the St Xavier Board announced it was canceling the 10/24 meeting out of an abundance of caution. We look forward to being able to resume homecoming in the near future.
In lieu of the business meeting held at homecoming, we will have a meeting of the membership during the October Board meeting held today. The board meeting will begin at 4pm and break into a special meeting of the membership at 4:15. (zoom info below).
The nominating committee has selected the following of our classmates to serve from 2021-2023
President: Margaret Colicci Mathias
Vice President: Vacant
Recording Secretary Sheila Monahan
Corresponding Secretary Beverly Zoglio Tomao
St. timothy's church in warwick will be offering its 11am mass on 10/24/2021 for the special intentions of the class of 1971. Our Mass for Deceased Alumnae will be held FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2022 - 8 A.M. at St. Robert Bellarmine Church 1904 Atwood Avenue Johnston RI
Maureen O'Gorman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: SXA October 06 2021 Meeting -- ELECTIONS TO BE HELD
Time: Oct 6, 2021 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 850 8328 3806
Passcode: 502388
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Meeting ID: 850 8328 3806
Passcode: 502388
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Because we as a community value everyone attached to the school, The St. Xavier Academy Alumnae Association has voted to postpone the homecoming for this year. This is taken out of an abundance of caution knowing that most of our participants are fully vaccinated, but the age of our membership and the high incidence of concurrent medical conditions within our demographics mean that there is a higher risk at Homecoming.
We will not have any exclusive mass for our Golden Grads but the 11:00am mass at St. Timothy’s on 10/24/2021 will be said for the St. Xavier’s class of 1971.
Please note that members were sent cards with the WRONG year on them. The cards were send out later that we usually do BUT they are for the 2020-2021 year and not the 2021-2022 year !
We are sorry for the confusion.
St Xavier's Academy Alumnae Association continues to provide a place for us and our classmates to build on the love and learning from our years at SXA. We have been given a gift by our time there and we share that gift each and every day with those we come into contact.The past several months have been challenging ones for us all.
The Pandemic is still with us and has many repercussions on the activities of organizations like ourselves. Science and faith in that science have come together to provide us with a vaccine that will ameliorate much of the danger we have faced and overcome the circumstances that have kept us apart. But the time when we may gather again is still not certain although it grows close. We have high hopes that the board will be able to meet in person over the summer. We continue to plan for the annual October gathering and we wait upon events to see when we can finalize those decisions.
In the meantime we continue to zoom our meetings (all are welcome) and we continue to collect donations for scholarships and issue scholarships.
In addition to the pandemic, the association's golden 50 year classes are turning from the large groups that characterized the baby boom years to the smaller ones that heralded a trend towards consolidation, co-education and closure among catholic schools. But large or small, your class holds it own sweet and special memories. Every member of our community is precious to us and we seek each of you out to participate with us.
Maureen O'Gorman